Everyone’s eyes are on you when you walk through those courtroom doors, start to finish. What you wear and how you choose to present yourself definitely matters, as a drug possession lawyer Arlington, TX trusts knows well. No matter what you are there for you want to show respect and that you are thanking the issue seriously. Dressing well can give you the step forward you may not have known you needed.
Keep it simple. Dressing well doesn’t mean a full-on suit and tie. A nice pair of slacks and a good looking dress shirt can go a long way. You want the judge and jury to see the best side of you possible. Showing up in jeans, and t-shirt could suggest that you are not serious about being there and make it difficult for you or your attorney represent you. In fact most courthouses will not let you in the courtroom if you appear in shorts. If you have tattoos keep them covered if you can. If you have piercings try to remember that less is more in a court situation, remove what you can especial face and neck piercings, gauges under zero should be removed larger than a zero skin toned gauges would be best.
Although it might not seem like it needs to be said but being clean can also improve your court appearance. Take a shower the night or morning before your court date. Clean and iron your clothes. If you notice a stain on your shirt don’t wear it if you see it, they can too. If you can get your schedule a haircut before your court date, pick a nice and neatly groomed style. If you have long hair wear it up. Men should shave or trim your mustache and/or beards. Women should wear light and conservative make-up, and if you have polished nails wear a neutral color. It should go without saying but wear deodorant and if you know you perspire a lot bring a handkerchief to keep looking calm and confident.
The thing to remember is that this is likely the first time the Judge and the jury are going to see you. First impressions mean everything in these situations if you are messy, casually dressed and not taking it seriously the judge and the jury will notice. What you are wearing cannot determine the overall outcome but, it can help your attorney present the best side of you. This and other factors can insure a better outcome than you might have otherwise received.
Thank you to our friends and contributors from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC for their insight into hearings and lawsuits.
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