When someone decides to drive while under the influence, he or she is not only risking ruining their life, but others on the road too. As you may already know, the blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for standard drivers is 0.08 percent. Professional commercial drivers are only permitted half that, as their BAC limit is 0.04 percent. Despite being aware of this, many people may still get onto the road after having drinks with friends or while enjoying themselves at a work after party. Even if the intentions are not to hurt others, those who drive with enough alcohol in their system can be risking the lives of those around them.
In the article here, we have provided more information about DUIs and what you can do to take legal action if you suffered as a result of someone’s carelessness.
Why do people think they can drive after having a few drinks?
Alcohol has a way of making people feel as if they are more sober than they truly are. So, a person may get behind the wheel thinking they feel fine, when in actuality have a BAC that is above the legal limit. That gray area between only having one drink, and having way too many can be difficult for people to figure out. They may feel tipsy, but not outright drunk. However, driving even while tipsy can still be considered driving while under the influence, especially if the driving was obviously impaired when on the roadway.
What are signs that the person next to me is under the influence?
Sometimes, a driver being under the influence can be easy to identify. In other times, it may be a suspicion but you just aren’t quite sure. If you see someone driving oddly, it may be better to notify police than let that person continue endangering others. Common signs that a driver may be under the influence are listed as follows:
- The vehicle is swerving between lanes slowly
- The vehicle is moving abnormally slow or fast
- The driver is making very sudden stops and starts
- The driver veers towards oncoming traffic then jolts back
What should I do if I was hit by someone who was drunk?
If you or someone you care about was involved in an accident, call 9-1-1 immediately. If the person who hit you was particularly drunk, they may also become threatening towards you in an attempt to deflect responsibility. Request an ambulance so any injuries can be tended to immediately. If the drunk driver was speeding excessively, you may have sustained very serious injuries that require prompt medical attention. Once your health has been deemed stable, you can consider consulting with an attorney about how to seek compensation for your losses. The medical bills and vehicle damages associated with a drunk driving accident can be insurmountable. A personal injury attorney Bristol, TN trusts can provide advice on whether filing a lawsuit is in your best interest, in order to receive financial retribution to pay off medical bills and for vehicle repairs.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt for their insight into DUIs and personal injury.
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