Our Montgomery County DUI attorneys are often asked, “What should I say to the officer if I’m pulled over?” If you find yourself stopped on suspicion of drunk driving, what you do not say is just as important as what you do. Drivers who are pulled over for a DUI are expected to provide a driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance upon request. Beyond that, you are not required to say anything and we would caution you against speaking too much or too freely.
When you are first pulled over, you are not under arrest and therefore have not been read your Miranda rights. Therefore, the officer has not told you that your words can and will be used against you in court. Police officers are trained to engage with drivers, asking questions that may have incriminating answers. Even with a seemingly harmless answer, the officer will be judging your demeanor, and checking for slurred speech or the scent of alcohol on your breath. Officers will take note of anything that potentially incriminates you– including behavior that may be caused by nerves– and will more than likely exclude any information that could prove your innocence. Remember that your every word and move can be used as evidence. It is best to say as little as possible until you can contact a qualified DUI or DWI lawyer in Montgomery County MD.
When an officer stops you, it is your legal right to refuse to answer any questions not regarding your identity. You do not have to explain where you are going or from where you came. Imagine if you were completely sober but coming from a party and got stopped. Would the officer believer you? Perhaps, but most likely not. And that certainly will not help your Montgomery County DUI lawyer win your case. You would be wise to politely explain that you do not wish to answer any questions until you have obtained legal counsel.
Protect your rights from the moment an officer stops you. Contact a qualified DUI lawyer in Montgomery County MD and protect safeguard your rights, yourself and your words.