Our DWI defense lawyers in Montgomery County are incredibly knowledgeable about how to handle DWI cases. DWI cases are our specialty and we have decades of experience to offer you. In Maryland, DWI means having a .08 or above level of alcohol in your blood. Those under 21 will face DWI charges if BAC is .02 or above. Alcohol levels are more determined by weight, rather than by consumption. Which means BAC levels vary from person-to-person. Remember we handle DWI cases in Montgomery County all of the time there is no need to be embarrassed.
What To Do If Stopped:
- Pull over as safely as possible
- Keep hands visible at all times
- Be polite, but don’t talk about the charges
- Tell the officer when reaching for documents
- Don’t admit to drinking or partying
- Remember anything you say during the interview can be used against you
- Contact a Montgomery County DWI lawyer as soon as possible
- Don’t tell us over the phone of what you think are the charges
Your Rights If Stopped:
- You can refuse the breathalyzer or BAC or sobriety tests
- If you refuse you will automatically be considered guilty
- Remain polite, but don’t talk about the charges
DWI Charges in Montgomery County:
- Steep fines
- Suspension or loss of license
- DWI driving class
- Jail time
- Probation
- Community service
- Ignition interlock device
- Job loss
- Strained family relationships
- Travel restrictions
Our Montgomery County DUI lawyers will strive to reduce the DWI charges, penalties, and fines that may arise. That is why it is very important to know and follow your rights if faced with DWI charges. We will be by your side throughout the DWI case. If you happen to be called for an arraignment it is not to late to contact us. Enter a plea of not guilty and we will take care of the details later, if necessary, your plea can be changed. Once the arraignment is over, it is imperative to have retained a criminal defense lawyer for the hearing that you will be returned to court over.
You do have the right to an attorney and it is necessary to have one. We are experts at handling DWI cases in Montgomery County, don’t hesitate to call us as soon as possible. We will help you through this difficult time. It is important to us to make sure you receive the best outcome. DWI charges can jeopardize future employment opportunities, as well. In light of this, as part of our services, we will strive to get your record expunged. This is a very important step and one sometimes missed by other, less experienced, defense attorneys. Granted getting a DWI charge is very disruptive. The criminal defense lawyers here in Montgomery County will strive to get an outcome that is favorable. Contact a Montgomery County MD DWI lawyer at our office today for a free consultation.